OUR COMMITMENT Leaning into our strengths as innovators to craft a modern marketplace ready for the future of work, including through the delivery of matched-funded Innovation Scaleup grants of $50,000 to $250,000 awarded through the Canberra Innovation Network for startups looking to scale while remaining headquartered in the ACT. WHAT WE STAND FOR Pulling ambitious ideas from around the world to be bold and take risks as a nation leader. Increasing collaboration between the private sector, the government and research institutions, working together to accelerate good ideas. Leading the way in creating and sustaining truly circular economies – at scale. Investing in our innovation ecosystem to expand on the possibilities created by existing partnerships and hubs, making Canberra a more competitive and attractive place for local and international talent.
The ACT can lead the way by adopting a more agile approach to governing that leans into our strengths and builds a culture of ongoing public-private collaboration, particularly when it comes to the development and implementation of cutting-edge technology. As a smaller jurisdiction with only two levels of government, we could choose to transform ourselves into Australia’s innovation capital, leading the nation by piloting novel solutions to complex problems.
With the most educated population in Australia, and the highest median income, Canberra is the ideal city to function as a test bed for new ideas.
People in the ACT take out patents at twice the rate of the national average.
We have the highest rate of start-ups in the country and the nation’s most tech-intensive workforce, with 14 per cent of local jobs being in tech.
Workforce shortages exist in many industries, with recruiting and retaining skilled workers reported as an issue of primary concern for many innovative organisations.
While local university and research institutions are well supported by innovation accelerators like the Canberra Innovation Network, many businesses either fail to traverse the valley of death as they attempt to scale, or are lured interstate or overseas when they reach scaleup phase due to the relative lack of government support, and capital, in the ACT.
Opportunities abound to establish genuine collaborative partnerships between both levels of government, our sophisticated university and research ecosystem, and the private sector.