WHAT WE STAND FOR Bringing back genuine representative democracy to deliver outcomes that meet or exceed community expectations. Every voice is heard: striving to ensure nobody gets ignored or left behind. No vested interests: basing our decisions solely on the needs of our communities. Empowering locals: supporting local initiatives, businesses, and community organisations. Accessibility: being active participants in community life, prioritising direct contact with the residents of our electorates. Hard work: fighting for the ACT with unflagging energy and a focus on delivering results. Integrity: following through on our commitments, being accountable to our community and admitting to any mistakes. Long-term thinking: looking beyond the election cycle and taking actions for a better present and future. Evidence-based policy: grounding policy in evidence and updating our positions when new evidence emerges. Collaboration: working constructively with each other and with other MLAs whenever possible. Independence: always remaining free to disagree.
We’re hearing from many Canberrans who feel our elected officials are out of touch with people’s everyday lives. There's a strong sense in our community that politicians are only prepared to listen and take action when it's close to election time.
Many people we speak with report not understanding what our leaders are trying to achieve, or why, and there’s a growing feeling that the decisions made by politicians have more to do with serving their own interests rather than our community’s interests.
People want their voices heard and their needs addressed effectively. When representative democracy functions as it should, elected officials make themselves accountable to their community and ensure their decisions reflect their constituents' concerns, priorities and aspirations.