OUR COMMITMENT Requiring a snap audit of all outstanding report recommendations agreed by the ACT Government that are awaiting implementation. WHAT WE STAND FOR Focusing on deliverables ahead of announceables by collaborating with experts, stakeholders, community members, and other MLAs to achieve tangible outcomes. Pushing for an approach to governing that maximises administrative efficiency and delivers outcomes through people-focused services that are easy to navigate. Moving quickly to ensure the ACT is the first jurisdiction to take advantage of Commonwealth initiatives and funding.
We’re hearing that people across the ACT are tired of waiting for action from our government. Detailed strategies and reports with strong recommendations seem to be published without ever being funded or implemented. We need more action to confront the challenges we’re facing. Our community wants to see the government follow through on overdue promises and commitments. Territorians expect basic government services to be delivered swiftly and accurately, with minimal wait times and errors. The Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services 2024 highlights areas needing improvement in the ACT, including:
Social housing services, where long waiting lists and poor dwelling conditions significantly impact some of our most vulnerable community members.
The quality and accessibility of early childhood education and care services in the ACT, where reports of inconsistent funding and support for different types of childcare services have resulted in variable service quality and availability.
Our aged care sector, which faces challenges affecting the availability and quality of both residential and home-based care. Long waiting times for services, limited residential care places, and the need for more comprehensive home care packages have been highlighted. Supply doesn’t seem to be keeping up with increasing demand.
- Insufficient access to mental health services in the ACT, with long waiting times for mental health support, inadequate resources for community-based mental health services, and a lack of integration between different levels of care.