It has been suggested that independents should disclose “which side they would support” before the election. However, one of the core strengths of being an independent is that we don’t take sides in partisan politics. Our decisions will always be guided by what best serves the interests of our constituents, rather than aligning with any political bloc or party agenda.
If I am fortunate enough to be elected, and if I am in a position to negotiate, I would be prepared to talk to any of the major parties should they find themselves able to govern with support.
Independents for Canberra’s policy platform – available on our website – was developed with significant community input. It would be a disservice to those who helped shape these policies if we did not approach all parties in good faith to determine who is most prepared to deliver the best outcomes for Canberrans.
No IFC candidate has made any pre-election deals to form government with other parties. Committing to another party at this stage would severely constrain our ability to act independently.
Why run as an independent while pledging unconditional support to another party? You’d be better off just joining that party.
Perhaps it’s time for the major parties to “show their hand”. Rather than asking independents to commit to a “side”, we challenge the major parties to commit to IFC’s community-driven policies. Will they look beyond their business-as-usual partisan lines and prioritise the best interests of our community by pledging to support our policies?"
Thomas Emerson, leader of Independents for Canberra and independent candidate for Kurrajong
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