In case you missed it, Independents for Canberra's candidate endorsement process has garnered a bit of media attention in the last couple of days.
Monday - Canberra Times: Senior cop, ex-Matilda among potential independent ACT candidates
"The head of ACT Road Policing, a former Matildas player and the owner of a popular Braddon restaurant are among the candidates who have put their hands up to run for the Independents for Canberra party..."
Full article available here (behind a paywall unfortunately).
Tuesday - 2CC: Speaking with Stephen Cenatiempo about our candidate endorsement process
We've clipped this radio segment from yesterday morning and shared it on Instagram here and on Facebook here.
Speeches on YouTube
We've captured some of our prospective candidate's speeches from last week's town hall events and uploaded them to our YouTube channel here. Unfortunately not all speeches were captured as we were still figuring out our streaming solution but there's a good selection there to get a sense of what people had to say.
Thanks again to everyone who came along to these events! We're almost at the point of finalising our candidates and will be in a position to start making announcements very soon.
For more regular updates, you can follow along @INDforCBR on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Tom & the team
Independents for Canberra