We've had a lot going on in the last couple of weeks including pulling together a bit of a campaign team, reaching out to volunteers and potential candidates who have put their hands up via our website, having early conversations with key stakeholders across the ACT and organising our upcoming Community Meetings.
A Party of Independents!?
The official registration of Independents for Canberra as a 'party' came through on Friday! This will give community independents their own column on the ballot paper in October, which is vital for success under the ACT's Hare-Clark electoral system.
To determine which names are found in that column, we will be running a candidate endorsement process over the next couple of months. The purpose of the process will be to gauge commitment to our ten shared principles (found on our website). Part of the process will be having potential candidates present to people from their electorate to introduce themselves and take questions, which we'd love to have you involved in. We will provide some more information about all of that soon.
Anyone running under the IFC banner will be free to vote and operate independently, consistent with the wishes of their community. We will be united by a shared brand, shared principles and shared goals; namely, bringing better representation to the ACT Legislative Assembly, pushing for better outcomes for Canberrans and putting our community ahead of 'the politics' at every turn.
You can find some media about the party's registration here and here.
Community Meetings
Our next two community meetings are now locked in. We're hosting a Murrumbidgee Community Meeting on Sunday 17 March from 4pm at the Weston Community Hub (find details & RSVP here) followed by a Yerrabi Community Meeting on Sunday 24 March from 4pm at Wildbark at Mulligans Flat (details & RSVP here).
Come along to connect with other members of your community and to share your priorities and aspirations for Canberra. And please invite friends, family and colleagues to join the conversation as well!
Follow Along
Remember to follow along for more regular updates @INDforCBR on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
And if you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please do not hesitate to reach out. Flick us an email any time!
Thank you for your support,
Tom, Clare & the team
Independents for Canberra