Thank you for your interest in what we're up to at Independents for Canberra. We're excited to bring the community independent movement to ACT politics and we're very grateful to have you involved.
We've already had such an incredible response from across the community with many messages of support, offers to assist and a good dose of constructive feedback as well - all of which is very welcome!
In case you've missed some of the media coverage, we're logging articles published about the group here.
Our first event
We had over 150 people in attendance at our first Town Hall the weekend before last to talk about Canberra's future. It was a privilege to hear from members of our community about what needs to change in the ACT, and to hear from our inspiring guest speakers about the positive changes they've contributed to for their communities.
You can find footage of the speeches given at the event by Senator David Pocock, Kate Chaney MP, Dr Michael Moore AM, Aunty Violet Sheridan, and from us as Co-Founders of Independents for Canberra on our YouTube channel here.
What's next?
We are hosting our first Community Meeting at the ANU North Oval Pavilion in Turner this Sunday 25 February from 4pm to 5.30pm. This event is intended primarily for people who live in Kurrajong (i.e. inner north and inner south) but is open to anyone with an interest in the future of central Canberra.
The purpose of our Community Meetings is to hear directly from people within specific electorates about your views on what needs to be done differently in your neighbourhood, what you'd like to see changed (or kept the same!) and what your top priorities are for the ACT more generally.
This is an open listening session and we ask that everyone's views be treated with respect. We will focus on ensuring that anyone who wishes to be heard has an opportunity to speak.
You can find more details and RSVP here. And if there's someone you know who'd like to attend this sort of event, please feel free to forward the event link - or even this entire email - onto them.
Staying in touch
If you have an idea for a future event or would like to propose a venue for a Community Meeting in your electorate, please let us know. We're intending to organise at least one of these meetings in each district over the next couple of months.
And if you haven't already, remember to follow us @INDforCBR on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Hope to see you on Sunday,
Tom, Clare & the team
Independents for Canberra